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KWBC is a religious-educational institution which trains men and women for usefulness in the Lord's service.



The Keith Williams Bible College is a co-educational religious institution, envisions of training

God-called men and women for holistic development, Christian service, leadership and usefulness to

the entire constituency of Evangelical Christian Outreach, Inc. and other Bible-believing groups within

Mindanao and through out the nations.



To produce trained men and women who are Biblically grounded, spiritually mature and

culturally relevant.DescriptionKeith Williams Bible College is the religious-educational wing of the

Evangelical Christian Outreach, Inc. which concentrates its ministry among the tribes in Southern

part of the Philippine islands. 




1. Dr. Keith M. Williams Scholarship Program (50% discount for ECOFI first year students for one year)

2. Pastor’s Kid Scholarship Program (100% free tuition fee from first to fourth year)

3. Academic Scholarship (100% free tuition fee for those students who will maintain a grade not less that

    85% from all his/her subjects/courses, can be availed after the second semester of for full-year students).

4. Working scholarship -100% discount a.) School working scholarship b.) KWBC Faculty working scholarship

5. Lay workers / Pastor’s Scholarship Program -50% discount on tuition fee

6. Three students in family on the same school year -one of the students will be free from tuition fee













1. Born again Christian.

2. 18 years old and above.

3. An active member in the local church for at least one year.

4. A clear calling from the Lord for full-time ministry.

5. Submission of previous school records: Form 138, transcript of records,

    honorable dismissal, etc.

6. A written recommendation from home-church Pastor.

7. A medical/health certificate acquired from a duly licensed physician.

8. Must have his/her own Bible (KJV or NIV translation)




Phone 297-2805 (PLDT)

Email: Rev. Glenn Dato-on

Mobile phone: 





It all started in 1968, in answer to the growing demands of the Christian Evangelical Mission

for more Christian workers, the Keith Williams Bible School was born. It was started as a Lay

preacher’s institute, situated at the foot of a valley dubbed as the Celestial Valley of Suawan,

Marilog District, Davao City.


In 1970, the institute was converted into a regular institution of learning with Miss Evelyn Grace

Fernandez as principal. The institute was named Keith Williams Bible School, in honor of

Dr. Keith M. Williams, a missionary-evangelist, the director of the Midwest Evangelistic Association

 and the mission supporter of the Christian Evangelical Mission then.


In 1974, the Keith Williams Bible School produced its first graduates in the preparatory Course.


In 1975, the peace and order situation of the Celestial Valley of Suawan was hampered by the hostility

of the tribal groups on the area. The peace and order situation was turning from bad to worse. This

compelled the members of school board to vacate the students to a safer ground.

The school was transferred to Tancontian Village, R. Castillo Street, Agdao, Davao City, the headquarters

of the Christian Evangelical Mission, Inc.


1976 – KWBS produced its second batch of graduates in Diploma Course, namely: Rev. Larry Enoch; Rev. Manuel Dañola, Rev. Cornelio Baon, former Rev. Requierme Oyao, Welina Penafiel-Cuaresma, Cristina Buat-Jingco.


1978 – With a yearning of a larger place, the Keith Williams Bible School was transferred from Agdao, Davao City to its present location. Km. 9 Catalunan Pequeno, Davao City. In that same year the name, Keith Williams Bible School was changed to Keith Williams Bible Institute.


1987 – Another milestone in the history of the school was the extension of its training ministry at the tip of Southern Philippines, the birth of another school, the Keith Williams Bible College Extension located at Big Margus, Sarangani Province.


In 1995, the Keith Williams Bible Institute offered its first-degree program during its summer classes, numbers of ECOFI pastors have responded and availed of taking the special program.


1997- In response to the mounting demands of the changing world with a vision to offer the degree program in regular classes and to cater the ECOFI young people who graduated from high school, the name Keith Williams Bible Institute was changed to Keith Williams Bible College, based on the strong recommendation from the faculty members and staff to the KWBC School board.


1999 - The school produced its first graduates on the degree program as a product of its summer classes.


2000 – The KWBC has revised its old curriculum and integrated the degree program on regular classes, KWBC has offered the following courses: 1. Bachelor of Theology 2. Bachelor in Religious Education 3. Diploma in Bible and Theology 4. Diploma in Christian Education 5. Certificate in Bible & Theology 6. Certificate in Church Ministry. 


2010 - The school is now on 40 years of productive existence and has already produced more than 500 graduates. The majority of these graduates are working within ECOFI, serving as Superintendent, Supervisors, KWBC teachers, pastors and Christian workers. Others are working abroad as missionaries, connected with other religious groups. Some have founded their own Christian ministries. A few have made their quest on working with the local government and others are working with non-government organizations.


2022 - Facing the challenge of the 21st century and in concurrence with its 40th Foundation Celebration, KWBC has renewed its vision and mission, with the following statements: KWBC’s Vision: The Keith Williams Bible College is a co-educational religious institution, envisions to train God called men and women for holistic development, Christian service, leadership, and usefulness to the entire constituency of the Evangelical Christian Outreach Foundation, Inc. within Mindanao and throughout the nations. KWBC’s Mission: To produce trained men and women who are Biblically grounded, spiritually mature, and culturally relevant.

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